Sunday, September 09, 2007


another set of rants after a loooong break from the fifth estate.

we all have our own sets of priorities. we all have our own worries and concerns in life. its funny how people would stress themselves out on some things that seem not so important to me, but astonishingly, are matters of life and death to them. looking at how the human mind works, im amazed at how complicatedly diverse one individual's mind is compared to other equally intelligent minds (how can one say that one mind is equally intelligent with another?.. haha. anlabo.). im not humoring other people's grievances, its more of a realization for my part.

my closest friend has been ranting all out about global warming, and im ashamed to say that i have been really insensitive to give her seethes the slightest of interest. ive always busied myself with the things that i deemed to be in favor of my own interests. but ive realized that i have been so selfish. not only did i neglect the society's need for clean and breathable air, not to mention the polar bears, i have also been insensitive to my friend. i confess, at first i felt that maybe it was a little bit dense, but then after much pondering, i finally came into my senses. my friend confiding me her thoughts, whether it be about the strangest and most non-sensible thing on the planet, it still proved a lot on how she trusted me even with her wackiest and most unbelievable thoughts. its not that im reading too much between the lines of her true intentions, but bottom line is, im supposed to support her. hey girl, if ever you're reading this, im sorry. i listen, i always do. especially now. i know its been hard. the earth will make it. (for your global warming issues), but more importantly, YOU 'll make it (for all other reasons too. :D)hey, im here. ayt?).


Wired signals could be just a drag. sometimes you get the wrong messages, or sometimes, you just dont get the message at all. i hate wired signals, whether it be coming from telecommunication networks, or people's own line of networking and interaction (especially coming from the opposite sex.).


psychologists say that dreams are caused by your subconscious, meaning thoughts, people, things, events that have or you percieve will have an impact to you. it could range from something you fear and hate most, or something you crave and want most.

thing is, i dreamt of YOU last night. i dreamt of us being so close to each other, that it felt too real, i didnt want to open my eyes. but i woke up. i found my mind drifting off that night, wondering what it all meant. there would always be a thin (or may be thick ?) line between a dream and the reality. i just hope i realize where im at soon. or maybe ive realized it, but im too afraid to admit it. (ok so now im confused.tsk.)


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