Monday, October 22, 2007

HAPPYness is a choice

I got tagged by kathy :)

The rules are easy, just post 10 things that recently made you happy! Then tag 10 people and force them to post this meme on their LJs (or blogger and multiply in this case). Because it is good. Everyone needs a little happiness once in a while.

1. my AJA family.

when i saw that i had to post 10 things that recently made me happy, this was the first one that came to my mind. i love this team, even more, this FAMILY. i've learned a lot of things with these people, and i'm glad that i've met each and every one of them. i have THE BEST COACHES, THE BEST TEAMMATES, THE BEST FAMILY. i'm hoping to know more about them, each one on a more personal note. i'm really glad i stayed. i chose this. and i'm HAPPY i did. it might not be obvious (because of my occasional silence), but i love them.. :)

2. sembreak

vacation can make anyone happy. especially the thought of one not doing anything, just bumming around. after what i've been through during the first semester, i'm glad it was over. it's time for a fresh start. and the sembreak's just the right time to do it. :)

3. HS friends

i admit, i missed these people a lot. maybe a number of things did change (ok, 'a number' may mean more than that). but still, i'm happy that we can still have a common ground. it was fun to hear 'us' laugh together again. HS was the less complicated times. and hanging out with these people was a temporary escape to the less complicated world. they made it seem simple. and im happy for that. :)

4. books

it's nice to read a good book. i haven't been able to do this for quite a long time now, well to read pocket books that is. of course i've read books during the course of the first semester but those were physics and chemistry books which were not that enjoyable. it's more relaxing to read books that don't require much of my analytical and computational skills. :)

5. UAAP and POF

i was meaning to post a separate blog entry about my UAAP and POF experience. but since this situation calls for it, i suppose i'll just say it here. i really had fun. competing wasn't the nerve-racking experience that i expected it to be. when i stepped on the mats, all the anxiety i had just vanished. it was just like randori in the dojo, but with a larger playing area, a ref, a crowd cheering at one side of the stadium, and not to mention opponents you don't know. during the UAAP, it was the first time i got to play with a person the same weightclass as mine, and it was more difficult since i wasn't used to playing with people my size. it was also then that i realized how matches in judo could end in just a few seconds. things happen really fast, and before you know it, you here the ref saying "IPPON!" without you even knowing.

it was something new, and i really learned a lot from it. :)

6. dormmates and blockmates

i might seem to give the impression to my blockies and roomies that i don't care much about them (again with the silence issue). truth is, i'm happy i'm with these people. they're the best. nuff said. :)

7. home

i missed my home a lot. as cliche as this may sound, there really is no place like home. :)

8. cake

hmm, i love cake! brings back a lot of memories. sinful, but delicious! :))

9. television

it's good to be more up to date with the things going on. i'm abusing my time with the boobtube. i'd be missing it come second sem, which is not faraway from now. :)

10. Napoleon, cheese sticks, and quail eggs. (not to mention the profuse amounts of chicken!!).

best party ever! i loved those illustration board-covered cheese sticks. :)

well im surprised i got to list down 10. :) hahaha. well, time to be happy! your turn zandra, patty, gerald, hannah, ren, katya, pia, margo, mimi, mich! i tag you! :)

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