Sunday, April 08, 2007

rants:the beginning (or continuation?)

alright. presenting, (trumpet sound in the background)...

nah, never mind.

its the second installment of rants from yours truly.

it was only a few months ago when i decided to move out of the fifth estate, and maybe try to use a pen and a paper instead of hassling over the internet connection availability (dorm issues.). i was trying to run away from a lot of things, and among the solutions (or so it seemed during that time) was to erase my blogger account, or rather, change my blogger url and have it private where people wont have any access with my life and my thoughts (insecurities. again with the issues.).

but realizations hit me (too much mind work i think.)

or to cut the long story short, i missed it. a lot.

which brings me back to this post.

so anyway, this marks the beginning of my rants, or maybe a continuation, i don't know.

WE 'll just have to find out.

*happy easter guyz.

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